Attended MAAFIM (Malaysia Association for Advancement of Functional and Interdisciplinary Medicine) Conference in Malaysia from 2nd to 9th November 2022. We got invited by MAAFIM to exhibit here. The response was good! Some recurring buyers commented it’s effective, and even bought home extras.

Case Sharing #5

Case Sharing #5

Lady 62 years of age with Covid no fever but had fatigue and insomnia.. Father recently died of covid even before being able to seek treatment Started on several low dose precision meds  Was more calm Her Ferritin which was 791 drop to 197 and LDH 349 to 286. Recovered well.

Case Sharing #4

Case Sharing #4

Dr Tariq shares the case of post vax flare in psoriatic arthritis. “I had a case of psoriatic arthritis at the start of this year. the finger would swell up in the morning and get better as the day progresses. I had treated this with low dose precision meds. After the vaccine the arthritis recurred,

Case Sharing #3

Case Sharing #3

63 yr old man ..just discharge from hospital 2 days ago with COVID STAGE 5B.. He was unable to.. sleep breath properly was lying down all the time not able to eat was very restless. His heart rate will fluctuate up to 140/ mins. however his spo2 maintained at 97 to 98. started him with

Case Sharing #2

Case Sharing #2

Dr. Tariq Jagmag: 27 yr old Doctor here has covid. developed cough followed by tachycardia on day 12. tachycardia was really annoying and terrifying for her more than else. Based on symptoms of thirst she was given personalized precision remedies, after 12 hrs pulse rate came down from 120 to 88. her cough also reduced,

Case Sharing #1

Case Sharing #1

A case of 5 yr old with new onset bronchitis A 5 yr old girl had sudden bronchitis,xray showed bronchovascular prominence.nebulizers,cough syrups had no effect. After a day of struggle the mother who is a doc called for help. History was that the child had covid last week. The asthma got worse on lying down,she

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