Case Sharing #1

Case Sharing #1

A case of 5 yr old with new onset bronchitis

A 5 yr old girl had sudden bronchitis,xray showed bronchovascular prominence.nebulizers,cough syrups had no effect.

After a day of struggle the mother who is a doc called for help.

History was that the child had covid last week.

The asthma got worse on lying down,she had stomach pain,mild fever,couldnt eat anything,was vomiting continuously.

Post covid multisystem inflammatory syndrome starts a week to 4 weeks after covid,it consists of inflammation of stomach,brain etc. In her case it inflammed stomach,the acid reflux triggered asthma and hence she was worse on lying down,acid cause stomach pain.

The remedies chosen were nux v(stomach crampy pain with vomiting),ipecac(vomiting),ant tart(felt a little better on vomiting).

After a dose of all 3 she was able to eat and lie down.

She was then given antiviral and emetine.

Slept thru the night with no broncho constriction,eating today.

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome is becoming common in kids after omicron.continue antiviral in kids for 20 days atleast.on any sign of skin rash,stomach pain,brain fog,diplopia start the above remedies.

This child was having severe broncho constriction

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