Consult Elite Doctors Online with Energivity Virtual Clinic

Video-consult a locally-licensed doctor on demand anytime, anywhere, and get medication delivered to your doorstep


Consult Elite Doctors Online with Energivity Virtual Clinic

Video-consult a locally-licensed doctor on demand anytime, anywhere, and get medication delivered to your doorstep

Our procedures are based on the Malaysian Ministry of Health’s telemedicine rules and regulations.
Doctors are trained and qualified to give medical care via video consultations and are locally registered with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC).
Personal information are kept secure and confidential through Malaysia’s PDPA guidelines.
Our procedures are based on the Malaysian Ministry of Health’s telemedicine rules and regulations.
Doctors are trained and qualified to give medical care via video consultations and are locally registered with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC).
Personal information are kept secure and confidential through Malaysia’s PDPA guidelines.

How To Use

Click the link and follow the steps needed to book an apppointment with one of our elite doctors, the zoom link will be sent to you directly via email once you booked the time.
Show up on your booked timing and our doctor will start with the consultation. Done via Zoom, so you can access the appointment anywhere.
Receive medication at your doorstep, within a week. For Malaysia patients, you can expect it sooner. After a week, the doctor’s team will have a follow up call with you.

Suitable for Sophisticated Conditions:

Covid-19 symptoms but tested negative

Endless dry cough

Fever with Headache

Frequent diarrhea

Feeling irritated, Anxious, and Insomnia

Severe Rashes / Ulcer

Untreatable hair-fall

... and other sophisticated cases

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